Thursday, August 18, 2011

This post about ta...

It's nice sometimes when you get an unexpected burst of being happy.

This morning (9/15) I had one of those moments just driving to work. Some dancey song came on (embarrassingly enough I think it may have been Ke$ha which makes my heart die a bit to type) and I just immediately fell into a good mood.

Work is hard. My body is sore from training. I don't have a ton of free time to do the things I'd like to do. Then suddenly something gives you a burst of happy and it carries you for a bit. It's moments like this that are refreshing and more importantly reassuring for me that even though I'm not exactly where I want to be in the moment (in more ways than one) that my core is still pretty happy...even when lots of things are stressful. I'd like to think that I won't ever lose that.

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