Monday, March 2, 2009

February 23rd

I love cereal.

Since I was a little kid cereal has always been one of my favorite foods and as I've "matured" into an adult I've discovered that cereal can serve as not only breakfast but basically any other meal and/or snack. My current favorites are (in no particular order)

Honey Bunches of Oats (with or without almonds, this is a solid anytime cereal).

Cinnamon Toast Crunch (super sweet so more suited for breakfast or snack time cereal).

Fruity Pebbles (insert whatever joke you want here but these are amazing and FAR superior to cocoa pebbles in every way).

Cracklin' Oat Bran (yeah, this is an old people cereal but holy crap they're hiding a gold mine of flavor in these little square laxatives in a's too expensive for what it is but when there is a COB sale you can bet I stock the cabinet).

Raisin Bran (I have no idea's not particularly an amazing cereal but there is something about the texture and overall cereal experience that I like...I can't qualify this one).

(Despite two of my top 5 being bran cereals I am not constipated as this may lead you to believe.)

All of this exploration into the world of cereal stems from my discovery this morning. I awoke to a very snowy DC and thankfully did not have to go into the museum. I went downstairs for my morning cereal and poured a heaping bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats. Do you ever have a bowl of cereal where you think to yourself "Hmmm this doesn't quite taste just right..." but it doesn't taste SO off that you stop eating it? Well thus was my morning bowl. I had my cereal and powered through the semi off taste, did some yoga and watched some more Six Feet Under. Moments before posting this I decided it was dinner cereal time and I went to pour bowl #2 for the day and took the milk out of the fridge to make my meal complete. At this point I saw that it expired on Feb. 23rd...a WEEK ago.

Apparently my taste buds have died and soured milk is just a minor inconvenience for me. I just poured out my half gallon remaining of milk and ate my bowl of dry honey bunches...I think I'll have a more substantial dinner later as dry cereal just doesn't satisfy.

After writing all of this out I realize what a horribly boring post this turned out to be. Whoops. I guess when my tag for this one was "Cereal" I should have caught on.


  1. Cereal: THE best comfort food in the whole world. I would eat it for each meal if I could. Great Grains- it's got nuts raisins dates and no don't feel bad if you put more sugar on it!

  2. I thought I was the only weirdo who loves cereal enough to eat it 3 meals a day! So nice to know that there are other freaks out there who share my affliction. I must admit, however, that I'm a bit baffled that NONE OF THE CAP'N CRUNCH VARIETIES made your list. My latest obsession is Special K with strawberries and Shredded Wheat (you'd be amazed at just how many unbelievably delicious varieties of shredded wheat are out there).

  3. I DISAGREE -- cocoa pebbles are the BOMB! In a death match, they would KILL fruities!!

    And one more thing -- COB is the best cereal ever, but it's like $6 a box, so I've only had it like twice!
